APA California has a robust legislative program at the Chapter level that engages with the California Legislature. The Chapter Board adopts a Legislative Platform prior to the start of each California two-year legislative session titled “Plan California”. The Platform outlines positions on priority issues on behalf of the planning profession broadly. The Platform is designed to be flexible enough to address the unanticipated issues that inevitably arise during the legislative session. The Platform serves as the guiding document for the Chapter’s advocacy efforts in Sacramento and positions taken by the Chapter on legislative matters generally.
Policy and Legislation Team
APA California’s Policy and Legislation team includes an elected VP for Policy and Legislation, two appointed Legislative Technical Advisors, and a Lobbyist retained by the Chapter. The team engages directly with APA California Section Legislative Representatives from each of the 8 Sections within the Chapter to discuss feedback on legislation and other relevant issues regularly throughout the year. Section Legislative Representatives also share information and engage with members in each Section on policy and legislative issues. In addition, the Chapter also appoints a National Legislation and Policy Representative to coordinate National and State level activities.
To view the Policy and Legislation team, visit the Board of Directors page.
If you’re interested in receiving updates on legislative and regulatory issues from the Chapter’s Policy and Legislation Team, please join HERE
Have questions on policy and legislative related issues, including bills and regulations? APA California members are welcome to reach out to the VP for Policy and Legislation at [email protected]
APA California Section Level Advocacy
APA California Sections can also engage in advocacy at the local level. The Platform is also intended as the framework for local advocacy efforts by the Sections. While the Chapter does not take positions or advocate for or against local planning issues, that does not preclude individual Sections from getting involved in such issues consistent with the Platform and Chapter advocacy efforts.
Section level advocacy on Statewide legislation that is consistent with the official Chapter position is encouraged. On issues where the Chapter has not taken a position, Section advocacy is permitted, provided that positions are consistent with the Plan California Platform available here.
For state legislation, regulations or ballot initiatives, please contact the VP for Policy and Legislation at [email protected] to ensure Section advocacy plans are consistent with the Chapter before conducting local activities and taking policy/legislative positions.
Sample Position Letter
From time to time, APA California will solicit its members to provide comments on particular legislative proposals. The template in the sample letter provides a guide for how to draft a letter that complements the official APA California chapter position.