On January 1, 2023, APA California will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its founding, an action which helped cement the first nationwide organization promoting the planning movement. We’re thrilled to share with you some of our plans for the celebration and look forward to having you join us as we celebrate the past, present and future of California planning.
Here’s what lies ahead in our anniversary year, thanks to the work of our 75th Anniversary Steering Committee:
Digital Exhibition
Thanks to our friends at California State University Northridge Special Collections and Archives, we have begun work on a digital exhibition documenting the history of California planning and APA California’s unique role, drawing from APA California’s extensive archives.
Interactive Planning History Timeline
We’re working on a new, digital timeline documenting the history of APA California and its ties to landmark events in the evolution of California planning. We currently expect that the timeline will be hosted at CSUN and available on our APA California website. You’ll be able to track major events in California planning, and see how APA California has contributed to that history.
Oral Histories
APA California’s Planner Emeritus Network is taking first steps to initiate an oral history program so that the powerful stories of early California planners are not forever lost. It’s intended that this program will be an ongoing project by PEN and the Chapter Historians.
Pioneers and Landmarks
In our 75th anniversary year, both the Chapter Historians and Planner Emeritus Network will develop opportunities to highlight many of the names, faces and stories of those who pioneered planning in California. These activities will include standing banners throughout the conference facility; recognition of pioneering planners and milestones submitted by our members; and the Chapter’s annual Planning Landmark and Planning Pioneer awards.
California Planning Roundtable
The California Planning Roundtable, which celebrates its 43rd anniversary this year, will work with the APA California archives at CSUN to develop materials relating to the Roundtable’s tradition tackling California’s toughest planning challenges.
Diversity and Equity Initiatives
Our history is not without its blemishes, often tied to a lack of diversity in our profession. Our 75th anniversary will include focused conference sessions and programs designed to study our successes and our failures, chart how we can better serve and support our communities and planners.
Student and Young/Emerging Professional Events
Our Student Representatives at the Chapter and Section levels are working to plan specific student and emerging professional interests.
Social Media and E-News
Watch for monthly historical tidbits that will appear in our APA California e-News and our social media feeds. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Annual Conference
Our 75th anniversary conference in Fresno will be host for many of our anniversary events. Read on to learn more about how we are working with the Fresno Conference Host Committee to make this coming year’s conference our most memorable ever.
75th Anniversary Magazine
Our anniversary year will reach its climax when Fresno hosts APA California for “At the Crossroads,” an examination of the past, present and future of California planning.
Fresno, at the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, has been a popular conference host for APA California many times – even before we existed (1944), and since our founding, Fresno has hosted the State’s planners in 1955, 1956, 1966, 1975, and now in 2023. But if you haven’t been to Fresno recently, you haven’t seen the magnificent transformation that is underway. Come explore the rich and remarkable assets of the Central Valley, its charming communities, its wide variety of peoples and cultures, and its …
Conference events exploring our history will include:
- The fourth annual Betty Croly Memorial Lecture, focusing on an issue or person in California’s past and exploring its resonance for our future.
- A special Anniversary Celebration event at which all our members will be welcome to join in the celebration of 75 years making great communities happen.
- The annual Diversity Summit, focusing on creating greater equity for those communities which have not always seen or received benefits from planning processes and programs.