Welcome Planning Commissioners and Government Planning Board Members to our digital location on the new APA California website.
Here you will find items of interest to you such as:
- News for Planning Commissioners and Government Planning Board Members.
- A place for feedback.
- Upcoming Events Calendar.
- Links to resources and sites of interest.
- A forum for discussion (coming soon!)
- Message from the APA California Planning Commission Representative on the APA Board of Directors.
News for Planning Commissioners
Education and involvement for Planning Commissioners and Planning Officials are key focuses of the APA California Board as it looks for opportunities to better serve Planning Commissioners and Planning Officials throughout California. Ideas under consideration include regional commissioner workshops on “hot topics” facing planning in the region; specific focused training on regional practices; and a standard “curriculum” for Planning Directors to use with their new commissioners. APA California also wants to further its cooperation with the League of California Cities, complimenting the League’s informative Planner’s Institute.
We want your ideas how APA California can better serve our Planning Commissioners and have more of your participation.
Please write the Planning Commission Representative on the Board Roster.
Upcoming Events
It is time to think about attending the APA California Annual Conference. The conference will have sessions dedicated to Planning Commissioners and a host of other informative sessions that address the planning concerns of us all. It will be the perfect occasion to share knowledge and meet colleagues.
Links to Resources
Beyond California, there are other superb resources offered by the National American Planning Association. The American Planning Association has totally revamped The Commissioner, their quarterly publication geared towards Planning Commissioners and departmental staff. Visit National APA’s website to subscribe.